Alcides Fonseca

40.197958, -8.408312


PhD Students

Catarina Gamboa — Improving the Usability of Liquid Types for Reliable Software (with Jonathan Aldrich)
Latte: Lightweight Aliasing Tracking for Java at HATRA+IWACO 2023
Usability-Oriented Design of Liquid Types for Java at ICSE 2023
Student Volunteer Chair at SPLASH 2023 and SPLASH 2024
Artifact Evaluation Committee at PLDI 2023
Internship at Gitar
Paulo Santos – Specification-Guided Repair for Robotic Systems (with Chris Timperley and Sara Silva)
Understanding Misconfigurations in ROS: An Empirical Study and Current Approaches at ISSTA 2024
Is it a Bug? Understanding Physical Unit Mismatches in Robot Software at ICRA 2024
An Experience Report on Challenges in Learning the Robot Operating System at RoSE 2022
Where is the Bug? Understanding, detecting and repairing misconfigurations in ROS at RosCon 2023
Web and Social Media Chair at FormaliSE 2024
Internship at Uber
Guilherme Espada – Stochastic Resource Analysis of Programs
Artifact Evaluation Committee at PLDI 2022
Video Chair at PLDI 2022, POPL 2023, PLDI 2023, ICFP 2023, SPLASH 2023, POPL 2024, PLDI 2024
Internships at Feedzai, Decipad
Pedro Barbosa — Modelling the impact of deep intronic mutations on the human disease (with Carmo-Fonseca)
Semantically Rich Local Dataset Generation for Explainable AI in Genomics at GECCO’24
Computational prediction of human deep intronic variation at GigaScience
Clinical significance of genetic variation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: comparison of computational tools to prioritize missense variants at Fronteirs in Cardiovascular Medicine

MSc Students

José Eduardo Madeira — Program Synthesis with Refinement Typed Genetic Programming

Past Interns

Year Name Institution Topic
2023 Lukas Abelt MSc Student at Saarland University Layered Types
2022 Lisa Vasilenko PhD Student at IMDEA Formalization of LiquidJava with Typestates
2021 Francisco Pimenta Undergrad at U.Lisboa Prediction of Machine Learning Pipeline Execution Time

Past MSc Students

Year Name Degree Topic Next
2021-24 Bernardo Ferrari Computer Science
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
A programming language with refinement types and its LLVM-IR front end implementation Cadence Design Systems
2022-23 Kirill Golubev Computer Science
Adding Separation Logic Support to LiquidJava PhD at Uppsala University
2021-22 Miguel Tavares Software Engineering
RobotFix: Detecting Bugs On Variables In Robot Programs
(co-advised by Chris Timperley)
CrossJoin Solutions
2021-22 Ricardo Cordeiro Software Engineering
Formalization and Runtime Verification of Invariants for Robotic Systems
(co-advised by Chris Timperley)
Köerber Supply Chain
2021-22 Leon Ingelse Data Science
Optimization of Feature Learning through Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming Onja
2020-21 Catarina Gamboa Software Engineering
LiquidJava : extending Java with refinements
(co-advised by Chris Timperley)
PhD at CMU and U.Lisboa
2020-21 Gonçalo Duarte Software Engineering
Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for unit test generation
(advised by José Campos)
2020-21 João David Software Engineering
Improving Machine Learning Pipeline Creation using Visual Programming and Static Analysis Critical TechWorks
(BMW and Critical Software)
2020-21 Máximo Oliveira Software Engineering
Exploring a Larger Search Space for Automatic Program Repair BlackRock
2019-20 Paulo Santos Software Engineering
Towards the Conceptualization of Refinement Typed Genetic Programming PhD at CMU and U.Lisboa
2019-20 Guilherme Espada Software Engineering
Automatic Conversion of Ada Source Code to Scala PhD at U.Lisboa