Alcides Fonseca

40.197958, -8.408312

Versions Review

Versions is a OS X GUI for Subversion. And I proudly say that is partly work of a Portuguese developer.

Versions is very powerful1 and elegant GUI for SVN. makes it easier to see changes over the time, and even diffs. This is not the best approach for SVN, in my opinion.

Using Versions (or any other GUI like RapidSVN, which is opensource, or so…) is another distraction in your workflow while working. The best solution I see (and that I use) is having SVN integrated with your File Explorer (being TortoiseSVN for Explorer in Windows or SCPlugin for Finder in MacOS. This way, when I’m working with files, I am using the file explorer and that’s where I want to rearrange folders, delete stuff add folders.

Other situation where I also need to take SVN actions is the IDE/Editor that I am using. In my case Textmate, and sometimes Eclipse. I hit the save shortcut combo almost everytime I change a line, but the real saves are when I commit to the repository. And I want that power inside the editor, not in another window. That’s why I find that SVN is meant to be inside your workflow tools, and not in some stand-alone app.

1 A lot of people I know would just reply ‘Not as powerful as the command-line’. Which is true, but there’s a compromise between features and easy-to-use, since this this product is not targeting hackers, but designers/webdesigners/webdevelopers (or just devigners)